Including the closely related term lighting.
…, manufacturing, shops, street-lighting – everything! TAMES IDE IN CONTEXT THE REDUCT ION PATHWAY This fact is critical to our successful, collaborative approach to reducing carbon emissions across the borough. In percentage terms if we at TMBC reduced all corporate emissions completely, there would still be 98.6% of the Borough's total emissions left to eliminate. In 2018, BEIS published…
… – the Corporate Plan states specifically a desire to create; Modern infrastructure and a sustainable environment that works for all generations and future generations. 12 14 15 CONT INU ING OUR JOURNEY Tameside Council has worked hard to reduce emissions and improve the environment: • Recording a 43% reduction in borough wide carbon emissions between 2005 and 2019 • Installing LED street…
… lighting across 69% of columns during phase 1 of the rollout with the remaining planned early 2022, a project in total saving of 4285 tonnes of carbon • Introducing electric vehicles to the council vehicle fleet, purchasing 10 new electrically powered vans and 14 electric charging points to support this. • Streamlining the corporate portfolio of buildings and identifying efficiencies…
…: • Ensure the energy efficiency of buildings is maximised through insulation and other fabric-first interventions, better smart building controls and embrace new low-energy alternatives such as LED lighting; • Replace gas heating and cooking appliances with electric alternatives* • Maximise renewable energy generation opportunities and purchase any remaining electricity from renewable sources…