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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms street lighting, lighting, and lighting upgrade.

1 result

London Borough of Haringey

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, saving our sites around £45k in electricity; Haringey Climate Change Action Plan12 Æ Boiler upgrades across the Corporate estates; Æ Approximately 50% of street lighting upgraded to LED Æ LED lighting in main Council buildings and schools; Æ Electric staff pool car and new car club installed and open to all staff; Æ Active Travel programmes across the borough including community…

…-haringey 7 businesses, the community and other stakeholders. Our work has included undertaking pilot studies and projects, encouraging active travel across the borough, implementing various improvements to the Council’s estate through LED light fittings and other energy efficiency savings, installing 2,200 solar panels which generate 565,000 kWh of electricity per year, and supporting community…

… by these challenges, to bring forward solutions. Structure of the Report This Haringey Climate Change Action Plan is informed by the recommendations set out by Arup’s Technical reports which are published on the Council’s web pages. This work was initiated with the ambition of becoming a zero-carbon borough by 2050. This work has been reviewed in light of the Climate Emergency and was concluded…


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