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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related term lighting.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, these include;  Developments which maximise opportunities to reduce energy demands through the orientation of habitable rooms to harness natural light and through landscaping to prevent over heating (draft policy LP14).  Developments which maximise opportunities where practicable for sustain- able travel, including contributions towards off site infrastructure as well as walking and cycling routes…

… measures. The types of businesses gaining grant money include construction and manufacturing firms, consultancy and busi- ness services, as well as property and distribution businesses. Grant money has helped these SMEs to improve their heating and lighting, research and de- velopment (IT and software, and machinery) and for the purchase of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (KCC LoCase, 2019). The Council…


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