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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms lighting, and street lighting.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and gas, for buildings and street lighting, with a small volume of fuel oil for heating buildings, with the cost in 2018/19 totalling over £1.8m. Figure 3.1: Breakdown of Reading Borough Council carbon footprint, 2018/19 The carbon emissions from energy used in buildings accounted for 68% of the Council’s carbon footprint in 2018/19, as shown in Figure 3.1 above. Carbon emissions from street

lighting have reduced as a proportion of the total since 2008/09. Other energy is used to fuel cars for the RBC fleet and business travel, Building elec 32% Building gas 34%Building oil 1% Buildingfugitive 2% street lighting 13% Fleet diesel 16% Fleet petrol 0% car club 0% business mileage 2% 2018/19 Building elec Building gas Building oil Buildingfugitive street lighting

… the last six years, so although energy use in kWh has decreased by nearly 50% since 2008/9, spend on energy has remained relatively stable. Carbon emissions reduction over the last 10 years has mainly been achieved through reductions across the building and street lighting estate. Reduction in building energy use has accounted for nearly three quarters of the total emissions reduction, whilst…

street lighting changes are credited with 20% of the total emissions savings, as illustrated in Figures 3.2 & 3.3 below. Figure 3.2: breakdown of RBC emissions reduction achieved over the last decade Figure 3.3: change in RBC emissions by source since 2008/09 Building elec 55%Building gas 19% Building oil <1% Buildingfugitive -1% street lighting 20% Fleet diesel 3% Fleet…

… made, and a summary of how these have been achieved, are summarised below: Street lighting The entire street lighting estate, totalling over 13,000 units, across Reading Borough has been upgraded to LED, resulting in over 50% reduction in electricity consumption, and the ability to have greater remote control of the lighting. Buildings The carbon reductions within buildings can…


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