Including the closely related terms minimum street lighting, lighting, and street lighting.
…. 21 Commitments for 2021 Over the next 12 months, the Council will play its part to help mitigate and adapt to climate change with the following actions: 1. Develop and trial a proposal for minimum street lighting levels across the city to maximise carbon savings, balancing environmental, social and economic factors. 2. Roll out ‘Carbon Literacy’ training during 2021, initially focusing…
… to a 100% renewable electricity contract across the Council’s estate, an increase to the planned level of dimming across the Council’s street lighting assets and implementation of a Carbon Impact Assessment process across the Council’s operations. Of the many actions in the main part of this document, the following forms a summary of the top 21 commitments we aim to achieve over the next 12 months…
… Reporting Guidelines for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting7. Scope 1 (direct) and scope 2 (purchased electricity) emissions amounted to 5,758 tonnes CO2e. Scope 1 and 2 includes emissions from gas and oil for heating our buildings, electricity for our buildings and street lighting etc. and emissions from fleet vehicles. Scope 1 and 2 are generally considered to be areas that are within…
… and utilities is electricity usage, accounting for 1,167 tonnes CO2e plus another 99 tonnes for transmission and distribution losses (scope 3). GHG Emissions (tonnes CO2e) Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total General T & D8 WTT9 Buildings & utilities 2,242 3,503 69 300 791 6,904 Cultural services 1,488 666 - 57 287 2,498 Electricity for Street Lighting - 1,569 - 133 222 1,925 Electricity…
… emitted approximately 2,525 tonnes of CO2e, closely followed by street lighting at 1,925 tonnes of CO2e. The largest single contributing building is the Regional Pool which emitted approximately 681 tonnes of CO2e, closely followed by Sand Martin House at 443 tonnes of CO2e. 8 Transmission & Distribution (T&D) emissions relate to emissions associated with grid losses (the energy loss…