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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms streetlights, and lighting.

1 result

Sunderland City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 4 Sunderland City Council Carbon Emissions, Vision and Target Emissions Sunderland City Council currently emits 15,018 tonnes of carbon annually through its estate. This is made up of approx. 8,000 tonnes from buildings, 5,300 from streetlights, 1,490 from its fleet, 220 from its business travel. The emissions have been steadily…

… reducing year on year, since our first evaluation in 2008, in part due to the decarbonisation of the National Grid, as well as improvements to ways of working. Advancements in technology have also aided the council’s aspirations to reduce our carbon footprint, including the introduction of electric cars and LED lighting. Sunderland met its reduction target (set in 2008), of a 34% reduction…

… Development Economic Regeneration 2020/21 City None Low 3.03.3 Explore potential for the council to gain PAS 30 and MCS accreditation to support implementation of retrofitting Concept Neighbour- hoods Sunderland Housing Company Short Council Low Low 3.04 Ensure low cost technologies such as LED lighting are rolled out across other council-owned building and facilities, including parks…

… and open spaces to reduce energy use 3.04.1 LED lighting of parks and associated buildings, Traffic Signals and Lit Signs Delivery Corporate Services Business & Property Services Short Council High Low Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 13 A ct io n R ef Action P ro je ct R ef Project Status of Project D ir ec to ra te Service Area T im es ca le s C…


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