Including the closely related terms street lighting, and lighting.
… as a whole from things like trees, vegetation and green infrastructure which help to sequester and store carbon. Data from our own organisation shows that we generate approximately: 8,700 tonnes from static assets such as buildings and street lighting (the weight of 725 double decker buses) 3,000 tonnes from council vehicles like buses and refuse trucks, plus cars driven by officers…
… to ensure some early actions to get the maximum cumulative benefit over the next twelve years. Energy and Buildings Renewable Energy Reduce the amount of energy that is used for buildings and street lighting Speed up the move from fossil fuels to renewable energy Green Spaces What we Buy Create and manage green spaces to absorb carbon & provide resilience to climate change…
… Reducing energy use Reducing the amount of energy that is used for buildings and street lighting Action to reduce MCC emissions CO2 reduction Cost to Taxpayer Feasibility New council buildings will operate with net zero carbon emissions by 2025 or use carbon offsetting where this cannot be achieved Low High Medium Implement energy efficiency improvements across the existing…
… council estate by 2022 Medium High Medium Reduce CO2 emissions from our energy supply Low High Easier All remaining street lighting will be converted to LED bulbs Low Medium Easier All bulbs within council owned buildings will be LED Low Medium Easier Action to reduce County emissions CO2 reduction Cost to Taxpayer Feasibility Use planning policy to insist on higher energy standards…
… in street lights and new housing developments Medium High Medium What can I do to play my part? Try and car share when you can, to save fuel and money. There are schemes to help. If you are thinking of replacing your vehicle, think about whether an electric car would work for you. There are grants which can help.…