Including the closely related terms lighting, and street lighting.
… No No Marine - Tugs & Harbours Craft Marine Services Yes Reporting only Council Housing Tenants No Yes Quarry Operations Dev & Env Yes Yes Business Travel All Services Yes Yes Commute All Services Limited Yes Procurement All Services No Expanding Waste (Domestic) Tenants Limited Yes Waste (Commercial) Business Tenants Limited Yes Waste (OIC properties) All Services Yes Yes Street Lighting…
… 4 4 Procurement All Services 1 2 Waste (Domestic) Tenants 2 2 Waste (Commercial) Business Tenants 1 1 Waste (OIC properties) All Services 1 1 Housing Housing Services 2 2 EPC data on the Council’s housing stock. Street Lighting Dev & Env 1 1 Accuracy of data Over the period of the first Carbon Management programme great efforts have been made to enable accurate measurement…
…. To assess the emissions level, the type of vehicles used were based on the car size and fuel split identified in the staff travel survey has been used, however this emission factor may require to be updated when more data on staff travel is available. Street lighting The costs and emissions from street lighting is based on the inventory of street lighting points. Over the past few months we…
…% Opperational, 15971.14769, 62% Council Total Emissions (Tonnes CO2) Buildings, 8,787 , 55% Housing, 3629, 23% Business Travel, 506, 3% Fleet, 1659, 10% Waste, 926, 6% Street Lighting, 464, 3% Council Operational Emissions (Tonnes CO2) Page 13 1742 Orkney Islands Council Carbon Management Programme 2016-2026 mileage travelled on Orkney in day to day travel…
… as well as travel out with Orkney. The fleet emissions refer to those resulting from quarry operations waste collection and construction works undertaken by the council. The waste emissions are the emissions resulting from the processing of the waste itself which also includes processing and shipping the waste. Street lighting also contributes 3% to the mix, the quantity of street lighting…