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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms streetlights, and lighting.

1 result

North Northamptonshire Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… modern technology to reduce the energy consumption of our streetlights, including upgrades to LED lighting Delivery term: Short (by Mar-25) Delivery Update: (December 2022 – December 2023) Balfour Beatty are working across NNC to update Halogen streetlighting to LED. As of the end of December 2023, 4,815 lights have been upgraded. Forward Outlook: The LED streetlighting switch over…

… council emissions by 2510.5 tCO2e (12.5% of our baseline) each year to achieve our target of being carbon neutral by the 2030/31 financial year. This annual reduction is equivalent to 0.698 wind turbines running for a year or 95,150 incandescent light bulbs switched to LEDs. Emissions: Approximately 30% of measured emissions come from electricity and gas usage at council owned and operated…

… buildings and water), vehicle fuel consumption and mileage across the Council’s fleet4; Scope 2: Electricity consumption within NNC owned and operated buildings, as well as streetlighting throughout the North Northants area; and Scope 3: Outsourced – Waste (i.e., the disposal of refuse collected from NNC residents), water supply & treatment (arising from NNC operated buildings, where data…

… – electricity. These emissions have however been included in the total footprint calculation. Building emissions, including electricity and gas consumption, and the supply and treatment of water, account for 30% of emissions (*streetlighting relates to 4.7% of total emissions), the largest operational source of emissions. Total emissions from gas and electricity across all council operated sites…

…/ diesel driven hand tools with electric alternatives Consolidation of energy management contracts to allow for better oversight of energy usage and data Streetlighting update is underway to switch all halogen lamps to LED, once completed (Mar-25) the project will result in a 75% energy savings Hosted the NNClimate23 – climate change conference in November to coincide with COP28…


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