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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms street lighting, and lighting.

1 result

Lincolnshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… on climate change, to lead the way in developing regional mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions. 1.3. The development of CMP3 for LCC is a key deliverable to ensure the council meets its carbon reduction targets of 20% by: 1) Installing energy efficiency measures within LCC property portfolio. 2) Solar PV opportunities within LCC property portfolio. 3) Upgrading street lights to LED. 4…

… identified carbon reduction projects and activities in the following areas:  Street lighting  Corporate properties including: o Building Management Systems (BMS) o Boiler replacement o Re-roofing o Installation of Solar PV systems o Upgrading of lighting to LED o Building rationalisation  LCC maintained schools 1.9. A range of other projects will also be developed during the lifetime…

… % and to compensate for the business-as-usual growth. To achieve this we will regularly review opportunities through the Corporate Environment Programme Board and continued liaison with key stakeholders (Corporate Property Team, Transportation, ICT, Street lighting and schools).We will also run opportunities identification workshops, commission surveys, work with other East Midlands Councils via a newly…

… Sources 3.2 The scope of LCC's baseline emission calculations covers: street lighting, council buildings, maintained schools, fire stations, museums and direct and indirect vehicles fuel operations that support our services. Academy schools are not included because we have limited influence and control over schools not directly maintained by the council. Additionally libraries and waste…

… controlled by LCC - fuels consumed on site and from owned vehicles  Fuel use in buildings and estates (e.g. natural gas and burning oil)  Primary data of high quality  Fleet transport emissions (e.g. petrol and diesel)  Primary data of high quality Scope 2 – emissions from purchased energy produced off site.  Electricity consumption for street lighting and in buildings and estates…


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