Including the closely related terms streetlights, lighting, and street lighting.
….). The Council will measure progress of the Net Zero Carbon Plan against the latter, which accounts for offsetting. Worcestershire County Council - Net Zero Carbon Plan 12 Street Lighting Target: 97% reduction in carbon emissions by 2021 11% of the council’s accounted carbon emissions are from electricity used to power the council’s 56,800 streetlamps and traffic signals. WCC’s streetlight…
… management decisions have a large impact on the council’s emissions. Powering Worcestershire’s streetlights cost £2.7million last year. Energy prices have significantly increased in the last few years and this looks set to continue. Action taken to reduce street lighting electricity consumption will lessen the financial impact of this trend. Replacing streetlamp luminaires with long life LEDs…
… reduces energy consumption by 59% and significantly reduces maintenance costs. What have WCC achieved so far? Carbon emissions from energy use in street lighting have reduced by 56% since 2009/10, despite an increase in the number of streetlights. This decrease is due to: replacement of approximately 21% of luminaires with more energy efficient LEDs; the instigation of part-night switch…
… will be influenced by: 7 Worcestershire County Council’s Carbon Emissions 8 WCC Carbon Emissions 2019/20 9 The Council’s Approach 11 Buildings 12 Street Lighting 13 Fleet 15 Staff Travel 16 Household Waste Disposal 17 Supply Chain 18 Staff and Member Awareness 19 Carbon Sequestration and Offsetting 20 Resources 20 Governance 21 The Council’s County Wide Role 24 County Carbon Emissions 24…
… of this document. WCC is seeking to cut carbon emissions from its property, transport and street lighting, as well as emissions from contracts, such as highways maintenance and household waste management. A total emissions reduction of 40% since 2009/10 has been achieved to date, with annual energy savings of c£400,000. WCC has a long history of action on climate change. The council led one of the UK’s…