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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related term lighting.

1 result

Leicester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… receiving boiler installations. 2021/22: A further 696 properties have had new efficient boilers installed. 2.04 LED communal lighting upgrade programme Continue to invest at least £150k per year to replace lighting in communal areas on council housing estates with energy-efficient LEDs, until all areas completed. Approximately 50 sites upgraded per year, with savings of 43t CO2 per year. NB…

… Due to the impact of Covid 19 restrictions, it is expected that about 40% fewer sites will be upgraded in 2020/21. 2020/21 and annually until programme complete Housing 2020/21: LED lighting installed in 55 communal sites. 2021/22: LED lighting has been installed in a further 38 communal sites. 2.05 Storage heater upgrades Carry out a feasibility study, secure funding and develop…

… with communal areas. PVs on larger blocks could provide electricity to help power lighting, laundries and lifts in communal areas. Details of programme to be confirmed, and preparations made, during 2020-21. Initial rollout of between 100-150 properties. 11,294 individual houses and 1,545 larger blocks potentially eligible. Estimated CO2 savings of 16,000t potentially available from PVs…

…-19 Transport Recovery Plan including Cycling & Walking Pop-Up Programme A co-ordinated recovery strategy across all transport areas and a rapidly deployed programme of cycling and walking pop-up schemes delivering road space reallocation, light segregation and pavement widening in local shopping centres. Publish Covid-19 Recovery Plan. Deliver 19km pop-up cycleway and 6000 m2 pop-up…


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