Including the closely related terms street lighting, and lighting.
… tCO2e 13The Strategic Climate Action Plan Top 10 (non-building) annual GHG emissions 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 Park Lane APC Fairfield Road Car Park Green Lane Car Park Civic Centre Car Park Blyth Road Car Park Grainges Car Park Cedars Car Park Colne Park Caravan Site Street Lighting Eastern Area UMS Street Lighting Southern Area UMS Electricity Gas Streetlighting also represents…
… corporate buildings including the Civic Centre • Street lighting programme, replacing 23,700 sodium lights with more efficient LED units. • Installation of solar panels across various buildings • Five hybrid and three full electric cars purchased. • 50 operational vehicles upgraded to EURO 6 specification, reducing engine exhaust emissions. The London Borough of Hillingdon is already one of the greenest…
… and zero carbon technologies in our own building stock. C2.6 The procurement of all our new equipment and services will be measured against the objectives of this strategic plan. C2.7 To ensure our street lighting assets are targeted for further carbon reductions, using new low energy and renewable technologies. Theme 2 Commentary The council’s own operations We are committed to carbon…
…. This target applies to public access buildings and sites where we pay for the energy supplies, our vehicles and highway assets like streetlighting and car parks. We will invest in energy saving measures to reduce carbon across the property portfolio. To offset remaining carbon, we will identify schemes which allow us to generate larger scale renewable power in the borough, while supporting a range…
… improvements. • Higher efficiency heating and cooling systems within a range of buildings and facilities • Council Housing properties: loft and cavity wall insulation, upgrades through reactive works upgrading inefficient communal lighting to LED and reducing the energy demand for homes. Schools and community centres: major refurbishment and new building work leading to higher energy standards…