Including 12 closely related terms such as solar panel, solar panels, and panel.
… Action Plan 2016–2021 24 | P a g e No Action type Action Description NO2 PM CO2 Body responsible Target/ measure Deadline 30 B P C Encourage and increase the renewable uptake and green energy in the borough Deliver and facilitate pan-London solar schemes which support residents to install solar panels. + + + CC Number of residents registered & solar installs…
…: for example, upgrade windows from single- glazed to double-glazed and improve the insulation standard for Council properties when renewing roofs. + + Hou X energy efficiency measures implemented (tbc) 2020 16 P C L Explore the opportunity to install renewable energy technologies in Council’s social housing (e.g. solar panels) Through additional or external funding…
… one community energy project supported per year Ongoing 29 B P C Support and encourage the development of community energy enterprises/co-ops Support community groups to come together and generate clean local electricity and put profits back to the community through solar installation and ethical investment. + + + CC At least 32 tonnes of CO2 displaced through…
… improvements. EH/Pl Pursued as part of S106 agreements on all major planning applications Ongoing 53 B C Lobby the Government to continue providing incentives for solar installations Feed in Tariff replacement to encourage solar uptake and to support community owned energy projects. + CC Government lobbied Ongoing 54 B Lobby TfL and the Mayor of London to raise…