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Search results for "solar panels"

Including 17 closely related terms such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic, and solar panel.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Background papers: Cabinet Report Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action plan 19/5/20, and 23/6/20 Glossary of acronyms and any other abbreviations used in this report: CO2 Carbon Dioxide APSE Association for Public Service Excellence HRA Housing Revenue Account CSG Clean Safe and Green MTFS Medium Term Financial Strategy EPC Energy Performance Certificate PV Solar Photovoltaics

… and Information on the Climate Emergency and Dacorum’s place in it - Links to more information about climate emergency, informative videos. for example on the benefits of use of Solar Panels, accessing government and energy company sustainability grants and ideas to reduce the household carbon footprint. o Dacorum’s Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan – plus information on progress made. o…

… a Fuel Mix Disclosure period (Apr-Mar) to our consumption that also falls within that same period. The Council are likely to use 3,500 MW/H of electricity over the 4 sites. Most REGOs come from wind farms or solar parks, others from hydroelectric sources (that use water to produce electricity). The REGO scheme provides transparency to consumers about the proportion of electricity that suppliers…

… 18 months will now be considered for external wall insulation, new roofs (possible solar inclusion) and windows with enhanced ventilation,  Consideration following an options appraisal on a re-think refurbishment solution to large complexes of flats which have numerous problems to include: o Carbon reduction measures o Fuel poverty o Communal heating source o Substructure refurb, various…


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