Including 7 closely related terms such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic, and solar.
… breakdown of CO₂e emissions by fuel / energy type (2020) adjacent). CO₂e emissions from natural gas account for over 60% of overall emissions and this proportion will increase as the national grid continues to decarbonise (primarily due to increased deployment of wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) generation technologies). The largest emitters of CO₂e are care homes due to their consumption of gas…
… Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery MWSHP Mine water source heat pump PV Photovoltaics RHI Renewable heat incentive WSHP Water source heat pump Glossary CO₂e A quantity that measures the global warming potential (GWP) of any mixture of greenhouse gases using the equivalent amount or concentration of carbon dioxide. District heating The provision of heat to a group of buildings, district or whole…
… emissions that could be offset by the installation of approximately 1.5 MW of solar PV and a 2.5 MW wind turbine total 623 tCO₂e or 16%. Prioritised CO₂emanagement strategy The prioritised strategy (that meets the CCC hurdle rate) involves installing LEDs and making housekeeping improvements across all buildings and upgrading fabric and installing heat pumps in all offices and care homes. To further…
… offset CO₂e emissions a 1.5 MW solar PV farm and 2.5 MW wind turbine are required. Over 25 years, the strategy is projected to reduce CO₂e emissions by 2,338 tCO₂e or 60% of total BAU emissions. The 25 year return on the capital investment of £10.5million will exceed the 8% IRR hurdle rate and will payback within 14 years. reducing CO₂e associated with heating and domestic hot water (DHW…
… generation. Of the sixty sites assessed, five were taken forward for further investigation. The technologies identified for large scale offsite electricity generation were solar PV and wind. Offsite generation provides a means of offsetting CCC’s CO₂e emissions however, as stated, energy consumption should be reduced as far as possible prior to generating from renewable sources. This is CO²e emissions…