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Search results for "solar panels"

Including the closely related terms panel, solar, and solar.

1 result

Cannock Chase District Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… Chase Council is a member) decided at its Board meeting on 26 July 2019 to set a West Midlands target of net zero emissions no later than 2041, with interim targets based on a 2018 baseline of 36% reduction by 2022 and 69% by 2027. Many local authorities (including Cannock Chase Council) have set a local target of net zero emissions by 2030 which mirrors the United Nations Panel on Climate…

… inefficient buildings; o Electric vehicles & charging infrastructure; o Improving air quality; o Replacing heat & ventilation systems and building insulation; o Generation of additional renewable energy in District e.g. extension of Solar PV, windfarms etc.; o Expansion of Home Working in the District to minimise transport related carbon emissions. ITEM NO. 6.7 5.16…

… for the recruitment of an additional officer to develop a draft Action Plan or for the establishment of a Citizens Panel. A supplementary estimate will be required in 2019/20 of £20,000 (Action Plan £10,000, Citizens Assembly £10,000) with in addition the balance of funding for the additional capacity (£60,000) will need to be included in the 2020/21 Budget. The additional cost can effectively be funded…


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