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Search results for "solar panels"

Including 7 closely related terms such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic, and panel.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. We provide a comprehensive network of electric vehicle charging points and by the middle of 2019, Wandsworth will have around 500 charging points including many using existing infrastructure such as lampposts. This is one of the highest number of charging points in any London borough. • The Council has invested over £250,000 in solar Photovoltaics to date. The panels have collectively…

… climate resilient. We will move towards an increasing programme of using small-scale energy technologies, such as solar water heating, photovoltaics (PV) and combined heat and power and purchasing energy from low carbon resources, where feasible and cost-effective. We will develop and deliver plans for the redevelopment of Wandsworth Town Hall to the highest eco-standards that are practical…

… unchallenged. No resident will be left wondering what part they can play in helping us to achieve our objectives. Every tonne of carbon counts. Cllr Ravi Govindia Council Leader Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy 2019 –20304 W an d sw o rt h - A n e nv ir o n m en ta lly f ri en d ly b o ro u g h The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has, since 1988…

… • Increase the number of buildings retrofitted with energy efficiency measures • Work with schools to encourage climate resilience and help work towards decarbonisation 2025-2030: • Reducing our tC02 emissions by in line with target agreed in decarbonisation action plan • Where feasible install photovoltaics on council buildings to reduce dependence on the national grid and increase energy…


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