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Search results for "solar panels"

Including the closely related terms panel, solar, and solar.

1 result

West Midlands Combined Authority

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… strategically, based on evidence around the need for cooling, exposure to flooding, and to achieve maximum carbon sequestration. This means planting in places which we would otherwise develop and improving our approach to forestry management. We will also need to be conscious of the interplay between urban greening and microgeneration – e.g. sometimes you can have a combined green roof and solar array

…, but on other occasions, you have to choose between them, depending on what is most suitable for the area. 17. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 18. Special Report – Global Warming of 1.5ºc: We will invest in the resilience of our places 22 Case study - Scandiasgade Park, Copenhagen A community park that alleviates…


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