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Search results for "solar panels"

Including the closely related term panel.

1 result

London Borough of Southwark

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… in identifying the ideas, strategies and actions needed. The Southwark Citizens’ Jury is an attempt to do this through inviting members of the local population to answer the question identified by the Oversight Panel for the process: ‘What needs to change in Southwark to tackle the emergency of climate change fairly and effectively for people and nature?’ The Citizens’ Jury is an example…

… voting process. To help them in their work, the jury received presentations from seventeen ‘commentators’, or speakers, who they heard presentations from and then had the opportunity to question. To ensure the process was robust, fair, and unbiased, an independent Oversight Panel was convened by Shared Future. The Oversight Panel was formed to: • agree the recruitment methodology; • set…

… the question that the jury were tasked with answering; • support the identification of commentators. The eighteen strong Oversight Panel included representation from the local authority, academia, the private sector, the voluntary sector, and environmental groups. The process was designed and facilitated by the social enterprise Shared Future. Shared Future has extensive experience…

… across Southwark. This has been an intensive process, that Jurors, Oversight Panel members, and commentators, have committed to under difficult COVID-related circumstances, and I want to thank them for their participation and hope they have found it an enriching experience. The Jury have essentially started with a blank sheet of paper and from that point, have built their ideas…



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