Including 5 closely related terms such as panels, panel, and solar.
… systems • Rooftop and car port photo-voltaic arrays (1542No 450w panels delivering 702KWp generation) • Battery energy storage in conjunction with both roof top and car port solar PV arrays • Electric vehicle (fleet & staff) charging points (as part of solar car ports and wider infrastructure) The Depot Project has been recognised as a national…
… in the Energy Efficiency Awards and shortlisted for the National Energy Efficiency Awards Installed roof top Solar PV & Solar Car Portals and a commercial scale battery storage unit to the Killingworth Site Initiated a cross- party working group to assess options for on- street EV charging for the public Published an EV Charging Policy Businesses awarded with Carbon Reduction…
… the climate emergency priority in the new starter’s induction day Under the second phase of Green Homes Grant (Round 2), 120 measures were installed in 102 homes, bringing a further 67 homes up to EPC C grade. Delivery of Round 3 is ongoing with 230 measures installed to date. Increased the number of energy efficiency and solar PV installations for Secured £117,000 Completed…
… have been insulated as well as the replacement of boilers which are hydrogen ready. The authority is working with a range of partners to ensure further measures are also put in place for energy generation i.e., solar PV arrays as well as the transition to domestic air source heat pumps. New build social housing has moved towards modern methods of construction and require little in the way…
… million will be spent over the next 2 years and will go towards home improvements such as solar PV installations, Internal wall insulation and external wall insulation. The scheme has been introduced by the government to support our Net Zero initiative and will contribute to energy savings for our tenants. The authority is currently in the planning stages of the project, with installations scheduled…