Including 11 closely related terms such as solar panel, solar panels, and panels.
… partners and universities. Feasibility studies for a pilot project are being undertaken and options for grant funding are being reviewed. • We have also reviewed the tenants experience of having solar panels on their properties, produced an air source heat pump user guide and been promoting various environmental activities through tenant publications and events. Project Spotlight – Homes First…
… Ongoing The council has pledged to support OVESCo with feasibility funding for a solar farm. green E8 Introduce new sutainability Technical Advice Notes for developers (February 2021)- subsequently investigate potential for a more indepth Sustainable Design guide for developers that could link to circular economy work Developers are advised as to expectations for new development…
… trade routes, public health and the multiplication of risks across systems and geographies. IPPC AR6: The Physical Science Basis The Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) is now in its sixth assessment cycle in which the IPCC is producing the 6th Assessment Report (AR6) due for release in 2022. The synthesis report will frame and assess the historical, current and future of climate…
… of the green homes grant scheme, and the facilitation of a community energy solar project. • With regards to our social housing stock we have completed the stock condition surveys and are currently analysing the data with our consultants. The council is continuing to progress the Decarbonising Our Housing Stock (DOHS) project by working with the Greater Brighton Economic Board, other local authority…
… using existing resources Ongoing Homes First Tenant experience solar PV survey administered. Reveiw of solar and renewables underway. Carbon footprint pledge / information activity piloted at community event. ASHP user guide finalised and delivered to tenants - providing information on efficent use, energy saving tips, independent energy comparison. Further tenant engagement…