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Search results for "solar panels"

Including 20 closely related terms such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic, and solar panels.

1 result

Essex County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage. This scheme will make solar PV and batteries more accessible and more affordable for a great number of people. This is open to residents and SMEs. Solar Together delivered solar panels on 305 households: a £1.3m investment saving 7,150 tonnes of carbon over the lifetime of the installations. Residents saved an average of 20% on market rates…

… better tracking of energy usage across the schools’ estate. To date, 125 maintained schools have a meter fitted: a further 47 are in train. By the end of 2021/22 we will have installed solar panels that will generate over ½ million kWh of energy - saving our schools £77,000 a year in energy costs. These high specification solar installations enable schools to track their energy usage…

… recommended that ‘Essex produces enough renewable energy within the county to meet its own needs by 2040’, with the Commission seeing a critical role in this for large- scale solar production but ‘on available land without unduly compromising agricultural land’; that there should be a network of community energy neighbourhoods across every district; solar panels to be installed on every roof; and all…

… fuel poor homes should be retrofitted. ECC is committed to playing its part, sourcing its own electricity from renewable sources; supporting the establishment of new community energy groups; helping 670 residents source solar panels and battery storage through a bulk scheme Solar Together; and supporting roll out of Government fuel poor grants, seeing 82 homes upgraded in the last year…

… and supporting the uptake of future grant funds totalling £5.2m (plus £17.2m and £2.58m following successful bids to Sustainable Warmth Competition and Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund). ECC is committed to: sourcing its own electricity from renewable sources helping 670 residents source solar panels through a bulk scheme supporting roll out of Government fuel poor grants 13…


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