Including 20 closely related terms such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic, and solar panel.
… insulated modular or ‘off-site construction’ buildings with heat pump systems and remaining emissions offset with onsite solar photovoltaic panels. We will be consulting on our new Local Plan policy in the Autumn, including policies for new development to be carbon neutral and climate resilient. We are developing the Bristol Avon Flood Strategy to provide effective flood defences…
… Strategy means that we aim to achieve carbon neutrality for these emissions by 2030, as other city organisations are doing. Our commitments on climate change are reflected in our new corporate strategy. Bristol City Council owned wind turbines (2 x 2.5MW) and 1.8MW solar farm at Avonmouth…
… such as developing the heat network and installing solar panels on schools. Other projects have been started more recently as part of our £5 million Climate and Ecological Emergency Programme. These include projects to make our procurement and the major projects that we build more sustainable, to further the city’s work on sustainable food and to support community climate action. Our action…
… will continue to power more of our office buildings with locally produced renewable electricity. • We have committed to spending £97 million to making the homes we own more energy efficient and generating electricity through installing solar panels on some roofs. • The innovative City Leap Energy Partnership will launch in 2022. We anticipate this will deliver around £424 million of energy efficiency…
… emissions from our buildings, replace their gas heating systems and generate renewable energy, for example by installing more solar panels. We will purchase more green gas in order to move away from using brown gas in council buildings by 2025, whilst we wait for district heat connections and low carbon heating systems to be available. City Through the City Leap Energy Partnership, we…