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Search results for "solar panels"

Including 8 closely related terms such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic, and panels.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… built houses having a minimal carbon footprint. Progress on these actions is already being made. This includes: a) Updated feasibility studies for photovoltaic panel installation at Civic Centre, Latton Bush Centre, Playhouse and Mead Park Depot are being commissioned, along with new studies for Leah Manning and Harlow Museum (previous studies in 2011 found installation to be unfeasible…

… environment. ISSUES/PROPOSALS 4. It has been identified that the climate emergency motion can be divided into three main work streams: Property, Environment and Community Leadership. Specific actions identified as part of the climate emergency declaration include installing photovoltaic panels on all public council buildings within the next two years where possible and new council…

… of single use plastics across all public council buildings by January 2020  Installing photovoltaic panels on all public council buildings within the next two years where possible  Identify other energy efficiency measures to reduce carbon emissions i.e LED Lighting, on site energy generation  Encourage staff to cycle to work and further promote the cycle to work scheme…

… on grounds of cost, but there has been sufficient reduction in manufacturing costs for panels to re-visit this); and b) Officers actively exploring options to minimise the carbon footprint of properties within its house building programme - set to deliver 177 new homes by 2022/23 - including construction process. Such options include: i) Installation of insulation levels in line…


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