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Search results for "solar energy"

Including the closely related term solar.

1 result

Spelthorne Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of the whole of Spelthorne. Spelthorne Borough Council declared a Climate Emergency on the 14th of October 2020, publicly prioritising its commitment to tackling the climate crisis. This strategy carries on from this declaration and from the work that has already been accomplished, examples of which are listed below:- • Installation of solar PV arrays across Council owned buildings including, the Main…

… Efficiency Standards Allow assessment of sites and determine if any insulation work is required to reduce energy use 2026 Assets/ Facilities Corporate Priority Envi- ronment Plan and Recovery Plan 9. Produce as much energy locally through renewable resources All opportunities for renewables in Spelthorne explored and developed where feasible including solar and geothermal 2028 Initially…

… CCT Public Sector Decarbonisa- tion Fund Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (41) Solar PV now on all 3 main opera- tional buildings SPELTHORNE CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY @spelthornebc @spelthorneboroughcouncil 7 Key Action Key Task Desired Outcome Target Owner Funding (if required) Linked strategy Progress 10. Consider approaches to decarbonising…

… and Wellbeing Strategy 29. Develop an ESG policy for Council investments Divert investment from fossil fuels and climate destructive industries towards sustainable investments Policy in place by end of 2022 ap- plied by 2027 Finance/ CCT 30. Investigate renewable energy opportunities and investments including the potential for solar and wind Have a portfolio of opportunities…

… Housing Decarbonisa- tion Fund Corporate Pri- ority Afforda- ble Housing Plan 52. Promote access to grant funding for renewable energy installations for residents including Solar Together Create opportunities for residents to install renewable energy and reduce the demand for fossil fuels On going CCT Solar Together Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (5) Continue to promote Solar


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