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Search results for "solar energy"

Including 5 closely related terms such as solar, solar panel, and solar panels.

1 result

Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… were looking to move house and build a low energy home to settle in. They built the first certified Passivhaus in Calderdale in Halifax. Passivhaus has a strict certification scheme, so the house is highly insulated and airtight which includes triple glazing, and a mechanical ventilation system makes sure the air is kept fresh. Solar panels provide some electricity and water is heated…

… and with roofs designed to maximise the opportunity for solar electricity and hot water systems. They also need to have low-carbon heating and be built to protect us from extreme weather, like heatwaves. We know from experience that insulating a home while it’s being built costs significantly less than retrofitting it later. It is unfair to load that cost and inconvenience onto the purchasers…

… to be designed to keep cool: this could look like window shades, natural ventilation, and solar control glazing. Heat pumps can also provide cooling in the summer, but good design should always be the first choice to reduce energy use. 23 DRAFT Start Today Eye on Calderdale has some great…


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