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Search results for "solar energy"

Including 10 closely related terms such as solar, solar panel, and solar panels.

1 result

Flintshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… - Housing Strategy & Action Plan - Digital Strategy - Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB Management Plan - Active Travel Plan - 21st Century Schools Investment Programme “At school we could combat climate change by recycling paper and plastic, reuse materials, use solar panels or wind energy.” Emily, Ysgol Glan Aber 8 C l i m a t e C h a n g e S t r a t e g y…

… carbon and renewable energy systems in over 50 of the Council’s buildings including offices, schools and leisure centres. Technologies include solar PV, solar thermal, wind turbines, heat pumps, biomass boilers and combined heat and power. - Non domestic energy generation systems met approximately 10% of the Council’s energy demand in 2018-19. - Investment in innovative technologies…

… engines which generate low carbon electricity and are now complemented by two solar farms. These power on site facilities as well as the nearby waste transfer station. - The construction of an additional two solar farms, with a combined generation capacity of 3.5MW. - The trial of different grass cutting regimes on the Council’s verges and green spaces to encourage and enhance biodiversity…

… efficiency measures across its assets, and leading the way with renewable energy schemes such as solar and methane capture. 5.2 The Council now identifies that this strategy needs to be widened to encompass all carbon emissions from the Council’s assets and services and has therefore committed to become net zero carbon by 2030. This will look to decarbonise Council operations and promote…

… such as transpired solar collectors and battery storage. - Delivery of an annual programme of energy efficiency measures, such as building fabric insulation, draught proofing, new boilers, new heating controls, lighting upgrades etc in the Council’s non domestic buildings since 2008. - Investment and delivery of energy efficiency improvements in Council housing through the Welsh Housing Quality Standard…


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