Including 4 closely related terms such as solar, solar energy, and solar heating.
… warming, of which 1.1°C relates to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (emissions produced by humankind) and less than 0.1°C relates to natural effects such as solar heating and geological processes. Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas responsible for climate change alongside other greenhouse gases including methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. These gases all share…
… a characteristic that enables them to absorb and retain solar energy, which in turn forces the temperature of our atmosphere to increase. Elevated concentrations of these gases are driven by human activity including the combustion of fossil fuels to power industry, businesses homes and transport systems, and the release of gases from carbon stocks, such as soils, peatlands and forests. Concentrations…
… to enhance building fabric standards. • Investigate options to reduce heat loss through the building fabric by enhancing insulation levels and reducing air permeability. • Minimise the demand for active cooling through passive solar shading, enhancing ventilation strategies, and optimising internal heat gains. • Enhance and increase heat recovery systems in air handling units, air source…
… the equivalent of 20% of our electricity needs through on-site generation relative to 2018/19 levels by 2025. 24 How will we do it? • Continue to monitor existing solar PV installations to maximise generation potential and ensure actual generation levels match predicted generation levels. • Continue to deliver 280 kW of new solar PV capacity under PSDS 1…
… funding, including 100 kW at Newton Abbot Leisure Centre, 75 kW at Forde House, 65 kW at Broadmeadow Sports Centre and 40 kW at the Teignmouth Lido. • Develop up to 200 kW of further onsite renewable energy capacity to work towards generating 20% of our electricity needs on site. Proposals for new solar PV generation will be subject to the development of a full business case, including…