Including the closely related terms solar energy, solar, and energy generation.
… to export surplus generation to the grid or other local uses by a) working with public sector partners; b) reviewing all WDC and SDC buildings to consider the potential for roof top solar energy generation c) exploring the potential to partner with Community Energy Companies See Ambition 1 PDCC; Assets [££] CAF (see ambition 1); Grants Potential income for surplus energy…
… SWLP provides policies which support the retrofitting of rooftop solar and other low carbon technologies on existing buildings, including effect policies to achieve appropriate carbon reductions in conservation areas and other heritage assets 2022 2025 Place and Economy Nil Setting an example by ensuring Council new developments incorporate solar energy generation…
…; Sustainability Officer [£] N/A On-going. Social Housing Decarbonis ation Wave 1 funding application underway. Need clearer national guidance on the low carbon heating strategy for homes and how this will be funded Social Housing - Assess solar PV and solar thermal suitability for every property 2021 Ongoing Housing [£££] Opportuni ty to link to Parity Software. Technologi es…
… 7 E n er gy S u p p ly 2 ,0 8 8 ,0 0 0 t C O 2 e 7.1 We will support an increase renewable energy generation across South Warwickshire from approximately 121MW capacity in 2019 to 730MW capacity by 2030 Encouraging additional large scale solar generation by introducing policies within the South Warwickshire Local Plan which support renewable energy generation…
… infrastructure 2021 2024 Place and Economy Nil N/A Existing Local Plan policies already support renewable energy schemes. These may need to be strengthen ed Appoint project officer to develop New House Farm Low Carbon Development and associated solar generation 2021 2025 PDCC £45000pa (for two years) CAF £27,000 pa; other sources (see report) £18,000 pa…