Including 5 closely related terms such as solar, solar generation, and solar panel.
… of individuals, households, and businesses across the island are unlikely to have the capital required to immediately purchase an electric vehicle, install a home solar panel or heat pump, or to transition their business to net zero. While new technologies will become cheaper over time as they are more widely adopted, there is still likely to be a more gradual transition to low carbon technologies…
… used in the council estate Oil used in the council estate Combined heat and power Onsite solar generation Fleet vehicles Waste collection vehicles Scope 2 Indirect emissions relating to energy use – purchased grid electricity, steam, heating, and cooling For the council this will include: Grid electricity used in the council estate Grid electricity used in street lighting paid…
… An international climate agreement to keep global warming to less than 2ºc. Pathways The evolution of natural or human systems to a future state. Renewable energy Energy produced by natural resources, such as wind, solar, or tidal energy. 8 FOREWORD CLLR JONATHAN BACON, CABINET MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE AND WASTE I am very pleased to present the Climate Change…
… on an individual basis. A further consideration is the mix of housing stock and other buildings on the Island. Some buildings will not be suitable to be insulated, have double glazing fitted, or to install technologies such as solar PV. This may be because they are listed buildings and such changes are not permitted, or that the way a house has been built will not allow these measures to work. Energy…
… number are also including scope 3 emissions in their carbon footprints to provide a fuller picture across all their activities. The scopes are outlined in Table 2. TABLE 2: SCOPE 1, 2 AND 3 EMISSIONS AT THE COUNCIL Scope 1 Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources – onsite power generation (e.g. rooftop solar PV) or gas, and fleet vehicles For the council this will include: Gas…