Including 11 closely related terms such as solar power, solar, and solar power.
… PV installation, in addition to other renewable technologies such as solar thermal, receive quotations and set targets. Oct-23 Assess opportunities for solar power on schools and across the Vision estate. Oct-23 Evaluate feasibility for developing a local solar farm. Oct-23 Subject to resource assess the benefit of existing renewable energy infrastructure and consider further roll outs…
… solar electricity panels on a number of schools and buildings across the borough since 2015, generating 724,573 kWh per annum in 2020/2021. This energy was used to supply local schools and council housing REDBRIDGE GO GREEN GRANTS CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN | June 2021 p14 PROPERTY AND ENERGY On our developments we have; included the installation of solar panel on all new council…
… buildings. For our ongoing HRA programme this means considering upcoming legislation and regulations and where feasible seeking to implement these standards ahead of them taking effect. For domestic buildings this means assessing the merits of current and forthcoming BREEAM programmes and considering how these can be applied. It means considering the installation of solar panels and making properties…
… that enable tenants to access green electricity. Mar-24 Ensure developments are built to a high energy standard and consider the climate agenda. Continue to request offset payments from developers and implement a Carbon Offset Fund through S.106. Ongoing Continue to ensure new council residential developments incorporate the provision of solar panels. Jun-21 Request Circular Economy statements, whole…
…. Oct-22 Through the Local Plan review, evaluate opportunities for extending New London Plan policies to all major new developments. Dec-22 Commence Local Plan Review. Dec-22 Review the opportunities and scope for energy generation in the borough. Explore the feasibility of a local energy company. Oct-22 Undertake detailed feasibility assessment across the corporate building portfolio for solar…