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Search results for "solar energy"

Including 6 closely related terms such as solar, solar panel, and solar panels.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Energy saving measures include insulation, LED lighting and controls, heating upgrades, electrification of heat and solar pv. Additional Salix funds have been invested in smaller building projects across the council estate, totalling 101 projects, and £1.4m investment. Renewable energy To date the Council has installed over 7,500 solar panels on 40+ council, community and school buildings…

…, and 457 houses. In 2018/19 the systems generated 1.6 MWh of electricity, the equivalent to powering over 400 houses with 100% of their electricity needs. The Civic Offices now hosts the Council’s largest solar panel system with 572 solar panels, generating an estimated 10% of the building’s electricity. Most recently, a roof mounted solar P.V. system was installed at 19 Bennet Road. This represents…

… estate under constant review, and rationalising it to ensure that we retain only those assets needed for the operation of services, will help limit our energy demand. Energy efficiency technologies can then be installed in retained assets; including, for example, LED lighting and controls, insulation, heating controls, improved glazing, reduced solar gain and ‘A’-rated electrical equipment. All…

… (remaining 7 eRCVs) 2021/22 2022//23 Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 21 | P a g e Classification: OFFICIAL 4.3 GENERATE 4.3.1 The pathway to renewable energy generation Clean low carbon energy supply must be at the heart of a zero carbon Council strategy. The Council has installed around 7500 solar panels across its…

… building estate to date, including social housing, and Reading’s Civic Offices, which has the largest multi solar array system in Reading, with seven arrays mounted on the roof and a total of >500 solar panels. However, in order to supply the equivalent amount of energy to the electricity being used by the organisation, it must not only cover the electricity we use to power lighting and buildings…


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