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Search results for "solar energy"

Including the closely related term solar.

1 result

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Leisure Complex which is helping reduce carbon emissions by more than 50% at the centre. • We’re working with Berneslai Homes to develop programmes to improve the energy efficiency of our homes and replace older polluting vehicles with new electric vehicles. • We’re working with Energise Barnsley to deliver solar PV programmes to council owned buildings, schools and domestic properties which…

… be the identification of investable renewable projects to power Barnsley’s homes, public and commercial buildings. 25 September 2020 14 We want to provide guidance for community groups and householders; and assessing opportunities for a number of specific renewables projects such as biodiesel, solar PV and micro hydro. Sustainable Transport Transport emissions in Barnsley still accounted for 26…

… than 50% at the centre. • • We’re working with Berneslai Homes to develop programmes to improve the energy efficiency of our homes and replace older polluting vehicles with new electric vehicles. • • We’re working with Energise Barnsley to deliver solar PV programmes to council owned buildings, schools and domestic properties which will generate renewable electricity using the sun’s…

… We want to provide guidance for community groups and householders; and assessing opportunities for a number of specific renewables projects such as biodiesel, solar PV and micro hydro. Figure Sustainable Transport Sustainable Transport Transport emissions in Barnsley still accounted for 26% of all emissions in 2017. This SEAP programme aims to support the work of our Active Travel Plan…


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