Including 4 closely related terms such as solar, solar gain, and solar photovoltaic.
… (electricity) • Reducing demand for fuel in buildings and transport (e.g. insulating existing buildings and reducing the number of journeys travelled) • Switching from fossil fuel heating to electric forms such as heat pumps • Switching to zero emission vehicles • Emission offsetting investments such as solar Photovoltaic (PV) farms or sequestration through planting new woodland Wealden…
…; prioritising cyclists, pedestrians and public transport amenity. Providing electric vehicle charging infrastructure as appropriate in new development as well as in towns, villages and other public spaces. (AF2, INF3 & INF4); and • Through terms of design ensuring energy efficiency of new development; use of high-quality materials, utility of solar gains and passive cooling. (BED1…
…, but are not limited to: • Implementation of a comprehensive energy efficient retrofit of the WDC offices at Vicarage Lane site in Hailsham. This included installation of air source heat pumps, solar photovoltaic (PV) energy generation, passive ventilation, cycle storage, and dedicated car-share bays. • Exploring opportunities for investment in low carbon and renewable energy technologies, including heat…
… to identify the most appropriate and cost-effective opportunities, but these could include: • Investing in off-site renewable electricity generation such as solar PV farms • Carbon sequestration through land management, woodland creation, and tree planting Wealden District Council Projections Emissions form the Council’s own operations for the year 2018/19 and the projected cumulative impacts…
… electricity generation such as solar PV farms • Carbon sequestration through land management, woodland creation, and tree planting. For context, as a rough estimate, offsetting the Council’s remaining 2018/19 CO2e emissions (after all other measures are applied) would require conversion of around 170 hectares (1.7 square kilometres) of low-grade agricultural land to sustainably managed woodland.3…