Including the closely related term solar.
…). The original NDEEF mini project list has either been installed or deleted by variation. Outstanding works are now effectively those mini projects introduced to the overall project to replace deletions. Outstanding items are now limited to a couple of solar pv installations (including Kilmory Castle ground array which requires planning approval and Blackhill Depot roof) and a full site solution…
… for Cardross PS (including heating as a mandated item and roof mounted, solar pv). Timelines for this balance of works are currently being agreed (all expected within financial year 2022/2023) The following renewable solutions are being/have been delivered ACTION LEAD (L) AND PARTNERS TARGET or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS within the NDEEF package to augment existing solutions…
…: Solar PV: Kilmory Gardens, Cardross PS, Blackhill Depot, Rothesay Pool, GWIT Centre, Lochgilphead RC, Kintyre House. Air Source Heat Pump: Manse Brae Roads Office, Lochgilphead CEC, Strachur Primary School, Lochgilphead RC, Arrochar Primary School. In addition to the above, the procurement sourcing strategy for the next batch of sites, using designation NDEEF2, is under way. E3…
… – Delivery of additional solar installations at Council assets (L) Commercial Services Evidence of delivery of projects Consultancy work funding to be confirmed; expectation is that project implementation will be through combinations of prudential borrowing (subject to business case approvals) and/or external funding. Solar pv Options (initial feasibility work completed for circa 9…
… further sites) – some opportunities absorbed within NDEEF (Ref item E2) as project replacements due to accommodation reviews. A ‘mop up’ of remaining project prospects intended to be market tested as a component within an upcoming solar pv ACTION LEAD (L) AND PARTNERS TARGET or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS maintenance contract later in financial year 2022/2023. E4…