Including 5 closely related terms such as solar, solar panel, and solar panels.
… in determination of all planning applications and in Council’s own plans for new footpaths and cycle paths. Policy NEB1 states “Development proposals should result in net gains to biodiversity wherever possible.” Evidence of work with developers to include environmental sustainability concepts in new developments e.g. solar panels, electric car charging points, on-site recycling…
… of new Sustainability Officer. 9.2 Participate in and promote future rounds of the Hertfordshire Sustainability Officer Solar Together scheme promoted to residents. Existing New objective. Next round is likely to be in Autumn 2023. 36 Solar Together initiative. Community Development Manager Communications Manager 9.3 Explore feasibility…
… of installing solar canopies at town centre car parks. Sustainability Officer Planning Policy Manager Feasibility study completed. External funding New objective taken from Hoddesdon Town Centre Strategy. Dependent on Hoddesdon Town Centre Strategy being approved. 9.4 Increase allotment usage and promotion of the benefits of working an allotment. Green Spaces Manager…