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Search results for "severe weather"

Including the closely related term extreme weather.

1 result

East Devon District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in temperature of 0.85°C since 1880 is mirrored in the UK climate with higher temperatures and evidence of more extreme weather events. Sea levels globally and around the UK have risen by 15-20 centimetres since 1900 with significant contributions now coming from the melting ice sheets over Greenland and Antarctica. In the UK, average sea levels are currently rising by 3 millimetres per year. Plant…

… of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems. Both extreme weather events and long-term gradual climate change will have wide- ranging implications. In the UK we are expecting increasingly hot dry summers and East Devon District Council Climate Change Strategy 2020 - 2025 5 warm wet winters, alongside more…

extreme weather events with floods, storms and heat waves of greater severity and frequency, and sea level rise. Changes in the climate elsewhere in the world will also impact upon the UK. There is a significant risk of declining crop yields globally, and rising sea levels will mean that the homes of many millions of people around the world (including the UK) are likely to be affected…

… and trade - extreme weather can affect international food production, trade and supply chains. Longer-term incremental changes in climate will affect agricultural productivity in regions that are important for food production. At the same time, climate change will present risks and opportunities for domestic production. 6. New and emerging pests and diseases and invasive non-native species…

…; • Build resilience into key services such as social care, emergency planning and public health; • Make the best use of land, assets, investments and maintenance spending to manage risk better; • Plan for the long term by reflecting climate risks and sustainable development in Local Plans; • Increase organisational resilience to extreme weather building climate change risks…


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