Including the closely related terms severe weather events, and weather events.
…. Emergency Planning, Resilience Manager, and BCC Manager. Timescale: 2020-30 Action 5.6 Review our arrangements around estate, parks and recreation facilities in severe weather situations as part of business continuity management. Output: Ensure identified actions and recommendations are in place for severe weather events. Outcome: Our parks, recreational facilities, and operations are resilient…
…: 2021-22 Adapting to climate change Aim: To build climate resilient landscapes, communities and services. Maidstone will experience hotter, drier, summers; warmer, wetter, winters, more intense storms, and increased risk of floods and drought. We must adapt to more frequent severe weather ensuring our landscapes are resilient, our communities thrive, and vital services continue to be provided…
… and required adaptation and mitigations measures will be put in place. Cost and responsibility: Strategic Planning team. Timescale: 2020-22 Action 5.3 Use Severe Weather Impacts Monitoring System (SWIMS) to understand impacts of severe weather in the borough. Work with Kent County Council to implement actions from the Climate Change Risk and Impact Assessment in the borough…
…. Output: SWIMS database used to record severe weather impacts and reports provided to inform our risk register. Borough wide vulnerabilities are identified and a plan for resilience is created. Outcome: Mitigations and controls in place to manage risk of Severe Weather. We can take proactive action to protect the borough from climate impacts. Cost and responsibility: BCC Manager. Timescale: 2020-30…
… to climatic changes. Cost and responsibility: All services, BCC Manager. Timescale: 2021 – Delayed completion to 2022 Action 5.7 Work with the Kent Resilience Forum, spatial planners and other partners to enhance adaptation and emergency planning contingencies for severe weather and other climate impacts. The ‘strengthening’ of power and water supplies and other critical infrastructure should be prioritised…