Including the closely related term natural sequestration.
… decision taken by the Council Short term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track Medium Not mentioned CN019 Work closely with landowners and farming/ agricultural communities to explore opportunities for natural sequestration through environmental land management techniques Contacts are created within these communities…
… and farming / agricultural communities to explore opportunities for natural sequestration through environmental and land management techniques Ref Actions Performance Measures Timescale Responsibility Comment / Progress Predicted Carbon Saving Impact Links to the Environment Strategy: Statements of Commitment Start Complete CN020 Work with public transport operators…
… Env Delivery/WBC Countryside /WBC Planning In progress, on track High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030: Carbon sequestration such as large scale tree planting e.g. through schemes such as the Woodland Carbon Code and Associated Funds 6.1.5 Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Environment: Expand our tree planting programme in suitable locations across the district…
…, on track Low 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030: Carbon sequestration such as large scale tree planting e.g. through schemes such as the Woodland Carbon Code and Associated Fund 6.1.5 Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Environment: Expand our tree planting programme in suitable locations across the district to enhance the natural environment and help reduce greenhouse gases…
… and work has been conducted together to find opportunities Short term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030: Carbon sequestration such as large scale tree planting e.g. through schemes such as the Woodland Carbon Code and Associated Fund 5.5 Working with our communities: Work closely with landowners…