… and wetlands provide vital habitat for wildlife, natural drainage, carbon sequestration and amenity. DEVELOP Planning - Undertake a pilot area project to refine the level of green infrastructure corridor information represented on the Core Strategy Policy CS2 Diagram and to showcase how future landowners/partners can deliver the green infrastructure objectives. Purpose: To have spatially defined…
… CAPITAL ASSESSMENT OF SGC GI ASSETS Natural capital value assessment of all council owned and managed Green Infrastructure Assets to inform decision making and future asset management. Enable natural capital valuation by identifying and mapping key current ecosystem services and new opportunities including: contribution to carbon sequestration, sustainable drainage, cooling, shading, drought…
… themselves Tiny Forest pilot - Create a Tiny Forest in South Gloucestershire - Dense forest, carbon sequestration, education Purpose: Provide replicable scheme that is not land intensive and educationally inspiring. DEVELOP Wildflower seeds - To run a wildflower seed collection and distribution event. Purpose: A practical public engagement event. IMPLEMENT Resources and training…
… solutions showcase – as part of the development of a Council ‘Green Fund’ to purchase land (or use existing council asset) for sequestration, renewable energy and biodiversity. Purpose: To demonstrate integrated climate emergency co-benefits. DEVELOP Orchards - restoration and improvement to support biodiversity, local food growing, reduce inequalities, skills and heritage. Purpose: To increase…