… to our actions in built and natural environment, waste and our community. Balancing Energy efficiency is largely dealt with in the built environment actions, but Carbon this topic is also visible in potential action that can be taken in relation to transport/mobility and community. The potentials for carbon sequestration and offset are also spread across the seven action areas. Social justice…
… ENVIRONMENT TH EM ES IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 18 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN OUR COMMITMENTS 2020-23 2023-27 2027-30 RATIONALE INDICATORS OF SUCCESS… EX EM PL A R in o ur o w n op er at io ns NE1 Our Land Management Review land use and management policies and practice to prioritise sequestration and biodiversity interests…
… and Net Gain projects are self-sufficient and supporting tree cover ambitions and biodiversity. Securing and managing spaces that support sequestration and biodiversity aims can also raise awareness of private sector impacts Projects established, gains achieved, carbon stored. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TH EM ES IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 20 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l…
… and sequestration. The availability of land and resource to give trees the years of management they need means it makes sense to help deliver the County commitment alongside our targets for increased tree coverage. Salmon Springs completion; canal regeneration; other project identified NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TH EM ES IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 21 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l…