… of Scilly 5. How we will protect our natural environment 1. We will prepare a Local Nature Recovery Strategy to protect and enhance our natural environment and safeguarding our natural carbon sinks 2. We will prepare a Biodiversity Policy which commits the Council to managing our public realm and open spaces in a way which supports carbon sequestration and promotes nature recovery 3. We…
… will seek to encourage regenerative land management to maximise carbon sequestration, through the delivery of our AONB Management Plan 4. We will work with our local farming community and land managers to deliver the Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme to encourage actions which mitigate and adapt to Climate Change 5. We will seek to better understand the quality of our local environment…
… (marine and terrestrial), which will inform the preparation of a State of Nature Report to help us monitor our progress 6. We will seek to ensure all planning applications consider what biodiversity improvements could be made to help support carbon sequestration and biodiversity on the islands in line with the Local Plan 7. We will seek alternatives to the use of pesticides across the Council…