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Search results for "sea levels"

Including 5 closely related terms such as sea level, sea levels, and levels.

1 result

Cardiff Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. Climate Resilience: How are we preparing? Alongside the efforts to reduce Green House Gas emissions, we will need to adapt and we are already preparing. The new flood risk strategy is due for completion in October 2023 based on consultation with local communities and reflecting national climate change policy. All flooding and sea level rise projects already incorporate climate change…

… scenario and response planning with the aim of training all employees to be carbon literate and adjust behaviour accordingly, reaching around 14,000 city stakeholders in the process. Alongside the efforts to reduce Green House Gas emissions, we will need to adapt and we are already preparing. All flooding and sea level rise projects incorporate climate change at the beginning and as a key factor…

… to the global COVID-19 pandemic and now we must take the same rapid and material action to tackle climate change. IWe must elevate our actions to secure the planet’s well being now and must act for the future of humanity. As a coastal city, Cardiff is at particular risk and we need to ensure we mitigate and adapt against the impact of rising sea levels

… the consequences of 1°C of global warming in Wales through rising sea levels, more extreme weather and flooding, and the warmest winter on record in Wales in 2019. The 2020 UK State of the Climate Report prepared by the Met office set out that in the space of 30 years, the UK has become 0.9°C warmer and 6% wetter with 2020 being the third warmest, fifth wettest and eighth sunniest on record—no other year…

…... Cardiff Bus Cardiff Bus X44 X48 C56 C55 3 9 QUEEN ST. Transport One Planet IF WE ACT NOW but there’s potential to achieve economic and climate change goals with a host of co-benefits. IF WE DO NOTHING +5.5°F MORE ILLNESSES MORE HOSPITALISATIONS AND DEATHS Rising sea levels - with Cardiff already known to be at risk WE’LL WITNESS... Increased frequency and intensity of extreme…


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