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Search results for "sea levels"

Including 6 closely related terms such as sea level, sea levels, and levels.

1 result

Dorset Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and hotter drier summers. When it rains in summer, there will be more intense storms. AVERAGE SEA LEVEL WILL RISE by between 27- 115cm in the Southwest by 2100 (with more later), significantly increasing risk to coastal communities and greater danger from storm surge or high tides. FLOODING & COASTAL CHANGE RISKS TO COM- MUNITIES, BUSINESSES, & INFRASTRUCTURE - affecting property values…

…, such as rising temperatures, rising sea levels, and increased drought can disrupt food and water resources, weaken infrastructure, and give rise to financial and relationship stress. This is as well as increased risks of violence, aggression, and the displacement of entire communities. Paradoxically, these same disastrous implications may also inspire al- truism, compassion…

…. This is as well as rising sea levels and tem- peratures, changes in biodiversity, increased range of pests and dis- eases, and changing seasons. The Met Office has modelled the possible future climate in the UK, based on different patterns of emissions, between a scenario where we achieve rapid emission reduction to a business-as-usual scenario where we see continued increase in emissions. The scale…


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