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Search results for "sea levels"

Including 5 closely related terms such as sea level, sea levels, and level.

1 result

West Sussex County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… tidal rivers, this could be significant. The map below shows the likely impact from sea level rise on our communities through just a 1.5 degree warming in 2100. There are particularly significant impacts for the Adur and Arun Valleys and coastal zones. Impacts are already, and will be, felt by all areas of society, but deepest by the most vulnerable. As a result, we need to both reduce…

… regular drought and likely water restrictions • There will be an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms. • The changing patterns in precipitation and storms in our county makes us particularly vulnerable to an increased year-round risk of more frequent river, surface and coastal flooding • Sea levels could rise. In West Sussex where many of our communities are coastal, or near…


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