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Search results for "retrofit"

Including the closely related terms housing retrofit, and retrofit accelerator.

1 result

East Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (XLSX)

… to BREEAM) Passivhaus and Building Futures - an interactive Hertfordshire guide to promoting sustainability is in development. A record of all Associations' environmental sustainability actions is also being compiled. The Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) is also on radar with information being gathered on the possibilities contained within the Social Housing Retrofit Accelerator

… home:office ratio from end of November 21 ü 1.4.1 WALLFIELDS - Audit to inform retrofit / re-fit programme Will not be progressed until after Agile Working building requirements are established. All staff are now working on a 50:50 home:office ratio from end of November 21 ü 1.4.2 WALLFIELDS - Review and action repairs to improve insulation of windows New action from staff survey. To be commenced…

… 1.5.1 BUNTINGFORD - Audit to inform retrofit / re-fit programme Possibilities were discussed with Facilities Management during a site visit in October 21. Further investigation required in order to form plans. ü 1.5.2 BUNTINGFORD - Replace light fittings with LED All LEDs have now been replaced in the top shed and warehouses. Replacements in the office are nearing completion. ü 1.5.3 BUNTINGFORD…

… 1.12.3 Undertake energy saving improvement at the Hillcrest Council- owned hostel COMPLETE - All common parts and individual flats have been retrofitted with LED replacements in recent years. ü ü 1.12.4 Undertake energy saving improvement at the Rectory Council- owned hostel COMPLETE - Since the property was purchased in 2020, the main building has been improved by replacement hot water boilers…


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