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Search results for "retrofit"

Including the closely related terms retrofit programme, and retrofit programmes.

1 result

Surrey County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…) Scale up Local Authority building retrofit programmes. (38) Develop Local Authority new- build net-zero design standard. (39) Implement EV charging, fleet replacement and management. Other Public Sector Direct emissions 13%-31% emission reduction22 11-21 Reduce organisational emissions from all public sector buildings and fleet. (40) Work with NHSxvi, Policexvii, education and other…

… independence. Landlords put low carbon measures on their buildings to reduce tenants’ energy bills. (1) Deliver retrofit programme funded by the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Fundxi. (2) Work with social housing providers to accelerate low carbon measures for social housingx. (3) Enforce minimum energy efficiency standards for the private rented sector. (4) Explore setting up…

…, such as Solar Together or similar. (8) Encourage the uptake of national funding schemes such as proposed heat pump grantsxiii. (9) Consider other options to support retrofit in homes. Commercial and industrial properties 8%-26% emission reduction14 99-323 Businesses to reduce energy consumption, maximise15 renewable energy and switch to low carbon heating16. (10) Implement LoCASE, which…

… for residents and businesses to make low carbon travel and lifestyle choices and avoid the cost of expensive retrofit. To ensure that everything we build is fit for a low carbon future, planning authorities and developers can support net-zero developments which are adapted to the impacts of climate change and achieve biodiversity net-gain. New Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans are being…

…. Retrofit An additional component that it did not have when it was made. In a low carbon context retrofit usually refers to the installation of additional insulation, solar panels and low carbon heating into an existing home. Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (2021-2025) | 45 i Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th Assessment Report, August 2021:…


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