Including the closely related term retrofitting.
… be delivered by working as a single borough with partners and stakeholders. Others are more complex and will require working together regionally and nationally to ensure that funding and regulation come together to achieve meaningful results, for example retrofitting energy efficient solutions to existing homes. Southwark will develop a clear case to Westminster on the financial and political…
… considered as follows: - Reduction in vehicle mileage - Switch to EV for all vehicles - Energy efficient lights and appliances - Retrofit of council buildings - Switching away from gas heating - Local renewables - Offsetting With targeted actions across energy supply and usage, retrofit of buildings and a shift in transport away from carbon intensive modes, the ‘ambitious’ pathway sees…
… in early 2020, setting a target for London to be carbon neutral by 2030. - The London Plan is currently aligned to a 2050 carbon neutral target; however, the plan is to be reviewed in light of 2030 targets. London boroughs have also agreed to seven programmes of work over the next decade: ─ Retrofit London: Retrofit all domestic and non-domestic buildings to an average level of an energy…
… provides opportunity to stimulate the local economy. As the low carbon economy grows, we expect to see positive impacts in other areas. For example, homeowners rolling out retrofit are expected to experience lower energy bills and an improved standard of living. Similarly, in reducing road traffic, residents can live healthier, safer lives. This just transition is a significant additional driver…