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Search results for "retrofit"

Including 4 closely related terms such as retrofit works, retrofit plan, and retrofit plans.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and improve our estate to net zero standard, we’ll also be thinking about how these buildings best serve the city while aligning our retrofit plans to the development of ‘20 minute neighbourhoods’ and sustainable places. We’ve made outstanding progress on reducing our waste emissions, largely thanks to the opening of Millerhill waste plant, but we’ll continue to make progress by further improving…

… Reduce thermal demand in Council buildings first Establish a Best Value approach through feasibility studies for key building types Build retrofit knowledge and skills through the delivery of projects Develop a costed plan to retrofit the Council estate by type and age Back to contents 13 we aim to roll out a Passivhaus Enerphit-informed approach focussing on reduction of thermal demand…

… Enerphit based retrofit Enerphit based retrofit works carried out on half of the retained/existing estate by 2030 (circa 260,000m2) with a targeted space heating demand reduction of 60% -3,726 Electrification of heat (via ASHP) and conversion to electricity of other fossil fuel loads ASHP installed on properties that have undergone an Enerphit based retrofit -3,467 Electrical efficiencies…

…-ordinating the development of bids. It also recommends that a further £40,000 is allocated to roll out a Carbon Literacy Training programme across the organisation. 6.2 While many of the short-term actions outlined in the plan have resources assigned, for example £500,000 has been allocated towards developing approaches to building 7 retrofit and many actions are supported by external…

… 2019- 20”. Published 3 Sep 2019. fuel costs savings. In the same way, the upgrade of lighting and traffic signals to LED deliver electricity savings, but also maintenance savings (including fuel savings) as this technology needs to be replaced less often. The investment we make in decarbonising and retrofitting the Council Estate will improve energy efficiency but – done at the scale…


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